
Posts Tagged ‘electoral map’

Quick note – Why does Barack Obama start out his asinine thirty minute political ad (which the mainstream media gladly moved around their schedule for) in a room that looks eerily like the Oval Office?  Because he can’t imagine anything but being President.  He and the rest of the Democratic Party are so power-hungry that they will do or say anything to get elected.

For what it is worth, I’m going to give you my final prediction for the election on Tuesday.  I write this as I watch the thirty-minute ad on major networks, so whether or not he gets a boost, these predictions do nottake that into account.

Shocking… Barack Obama will be the President-Elect on November 5.  He simply is too far ahead and McCain is too far behind.  Which states will he win?  All of the normal blue states – all the West Coast, All the East Coast, including Virginia.  He will win Iowa and his home state of Illinios, as well as Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan, and Pennsylvania.  He will the key Western states of Colorado and New Mexico – key not because of their huge electoral votes, but because of the generally conservative nature of those states. I’m giving McCain a win in ohio, although that race is going to be really close.  McCain will win North Carolina and Florida, as well as Missouri.  The final electoral count will be in the neighborhood of 300 – 230.

So far this thirty-minute ad is basically how George W. Bush screwed people over.  Yeah, it’s all his fault.

I have said this before, but it bears repeating.  Barack Obama has publicly said that he wants to “spread the wealth.”  He wants to take what is rightfully one’s and give to someone else.  His running mate, Joe Biden, has said that the reason he wants to do this is because it is the “patriotic” thing to do.  Really?  Does anyone else see an issue with this?  IT IS NOT PATRIOTISM IF YOU ARE COMPELLED TO DO WHAT YOU SAY YOU ARE DOING OUT OF PATRIOTISM!  If the government, at gunpoint (no, seriously… don’t pay your taxes and see what the IRS does… they carry guns when they come to arrest you for tax evasion), requires you to pay more in taxes one year than you do the previous year, how do you say that is patriotism?  That’s coercion!  There is no patriotism there.  Patriotism is saying, “I’m going to go out and serve my neighbor and provide his need for him because it is the right thing to do, not because I’m coerced to.”

Barack Obama is all about change.  He’s going to change things alright.  America will not look anything like it once did thanks to him.

But I hold faith that God has this election in His hands.  He has the whole world in His hands, and nothing that happens can surprise Him.  Nothing can befall Him.  And NOTHING that happens, good or bad, is outside the will of God.

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